

just enough to get you started and leave you confused

QuickLinks vom 13. März bis zum 13. Juni

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Meine pinboard.in-Links vom 13. März bis zum 13. Juni:

  • mermaid - is a simple markdown-like script language for generating charts from text via javascript.
  • Tips and Tricks for Hacking Docutils (and Sphinx) - Docutils is incredibly powerful. And one of it’s greatest features is how easy it is to get it to do something it was not made to do. Or, in other words, hacking docutils.
  • tmux-continuum - enables uninterrupted tmux usage. No matter the computer or server restarts, if the machine is on, tmux will be there how you left it off the last time it was used. Tested and working on Linux, OSX and Cygwin.
  • Link-Text-Selector - Did you ever get thwarted while trying to select some text from a link? With this Safari Extension, you hover your mouse cursor on a link then press a hot key, the link will turn into a selectable field. This will let you be able to do that, copy a text, lookup a word, speech a paragraph or whatever you want.
  • Lakka - is a lightweight Linux distribution that transforms a small computer into a full blown retrogaming console.
  • Comics RSS - If you use an RSS reader, and like reading comics, then this is the site for you! Preview comic strips, and if you like them, then add the RSS feed to your reader.
  • DashTable - has functions for converting data to reStructuredText tables and Markdown tables, as well as methods for generating data from these text-tables. Colspan and Rowspan allowed!
  • Linklint - is a Perl program that quickly checks links on local and remote web sites.
  • Freedcamp - Basecamp style project management from free to affordable with lots of features.
  • Clocker - is an OSX menubar utility designed to help you keep track of your friends in different time zones.
