

just enough to get you started and leave you confused

Advanced Window Managers in the UNIX World

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Present-day graphical user interfaces are far less usable than they are praised to be. Usability simply does not equal low learning curve, as the Official Truth seems to be these days. Power and keyboard users, those who just do not like or have medical problems with mice, are forgotten when “modern” graphical programs are designed. Mouse-based search-and-click interfaces simply are not efficient except for some very specific tasks and often involve lots of tedious repetitive tasks. And while most widget-based GUIs provide keyboard shortcuts to some operations, the general application design still makes them difficult to use from the keyboard. For example, tabbing through dialog entries is difficult if the dialog is laid out in a complex fashion. Most command line and other text mode programs are simply much more usable once you get used to them, but are limited in their output capabilities.

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