

just enough to get you started and leave you confused

QuickLinks vom 25. Juli bis zum 20. August

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Meine pinboard.in-Links vom 25. Juli bis zum 20. August:

  • Baïkal - is a lightweight CalDAV + CardDAV server. Baïkal offers ubiquitous and synchronized access to your calendars and address books over CalDAV and CardDAV. Baïkal implements the current IETF recommendation drafts of these industry standards for centralized calendar and address book collections.
  • autoenv - Magic per-project shell environments. Very pretentious. If a directory contains a .env file, it will automatically be executed when you cd into it.
  • upton - is a framework for easy web-scraping with a useful debug mode that doesn’t hammer your target’s servers. It does the repetitive parts of writing scrapers, so you only have to write the unique parts for each site.
  • Forge - Slightly Magic - is an implementation of Magic the Gathering that lets you play against a computer AI opponent using most of the rules of a real game. You can construct decks for you and the computer to play with, currently about 13050 (and counting) cards are available.
  • vimus - An MPD client with vim-like key bindings, written in Haskell
  • Docsplit - is a command-line utility and Ruby library for splitting apart documents into their component parts: searchable UTF-8 plain text via OCR if necessary, page images or thumbnails in any format, PDFs, single pages, and document metadata (title, author, number of pages…)
  • Glui - The simplest way to capture, annotate and share screenshots on OS X.
  • Shuttle - A simple SSH shortcut menubar app for OS X.
  • mon - mon is a super-simple monitoring program. mon spawned from the needlessly complex frustration that tools like monit provide, with their awkward DSLs and setup. mon is written in C, uses less than 400kb of memory, and is incredibly simple to set up.
  • CryPing - is a a free and simple to use network connectivity test tool. It is a command line utility that extends the functionality of the traditional ping command to include the ability to ping individual specific ports. With CryPing you can ping a TCP-IP port. The ability to ping HTTP, SMTP, POP3 or NNTP services. CryPing provides a simple command line way to check that an http web server (HTTP), outgoing email server (SMTP), incoming email server (POP3) or news-server (NNTP) is responding. You can even view the response headers if you wish. This is for when pinging the port just isn’t enough.
