Meine vom 7. Juni bis zum 29. Juni:
- cronwhip - is a simple script to run cronjobs that would have been run since the last system shutdown.
- html2txt - is a Python script that converts a page of HTML into clean, easy-to-read plain ASCII text. Better yet, that ASCII also happens to be valid Markdown
- Asciiflow - Diagramme. In Ascii-Art. Awesome.
- The Great Typekit Table -
- Subtle Patterns - High quality patterns for your next web project
- Useful HTML-, CSS- and JavaScript Tools and Libraries -
- Active Directory Topology Diagrammer - reads an Active Directory configuration using LDAP, and then automatically generates a Visio diagram of your Active Directory and /or your Exchange Server topology.
- Gity - yet another open source git client for OS X
- csshx - is a tool to allow simultaneous control of multiple SSH sessions through OS X
- TuneConnect 2 - iTunes remote control software for Mac OS X
- tools-osx - A small collection of command line tools for Mac OS X, incl.: clipcat, eject, swuser & trash.