Meine vom 8. April bis zum 30. April:
- flickrtouchr - A Python script to grab all your photos from Flickr and dump them into a directory, organized into folders by set name.
- Scrup - Take a screenshot in OS X and have a URL to the picture in your pasteboard a second later.
- SuprSetr - Advanced, cross-platform set management for your Flickr photosets.
- MediathekView - durchsucht die Online-Mediatheken verschiedener Sender lädt Beiträge mit einem Programm eigener Wahl und kann Themen als Abos anlegen und neue Beiträge automatisch herunterladen
- LSCOLORS Generator - Color generator for ls with preview
- DVCS-Autosync - A personal Dropbox replacement based on Git
- PasTmon - is a passive network traffic analyser that can measure user transaction response times of web, ftp, dns, irc, pop, mail, postgresql, and mysql database servers. You can even define your own signature rules to monitor custom TCP based applications.
- Enso Launcher - is designed to give you instant access to your applications and windows. With a few easily remembered keystrokes, you can launch an application, switch to a window by name, and control the state of your windows.
- Cntlm - is an NTLM / NTLM Session Response / NTLMv2 authenticating HTTP proxy intended to help you break free from the chains of Microsoft proprietary world.