

just enough to get you started and leave you confused

Neues Videospielkonzept

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Heather Kelley, A Ubisoft designer, has just released a new demo of a DS game she has designed in which the user must manipulate a cartoon bunny to the point of ‘orgasm’. […] By touching and stroking the bunny using the touch screen capabilities of the Nintendo DS, talking, singing and blowing on the bunny’s fur using the built-in microphone, and using their sexual sense, gamers will watch as lapis becomes more and more excited on the screen until he eventually flies about in the air like a rabbit in heat. Very much like one in fact.

Mehr in diesem idlethumbs.net Forumsthread.

Ein Häschen. Zum Orgasmus bringen auf dem Nintendo DS.

Klar, ich hab mich eh schon gefragt wann mal jemand drauf kommt einen Touchscreen streicheln zu lassen…

Die Online Demo ist, aus ziemlich nachvollziehbaren Gründen, auch schon wieder off…

(via: Binary Bonsai)
