

just enough to get you started and leave you confused

Apple Gerüchte

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Nach Informationen von Think Secret wird der April dieses Jahr der wahre Wonnemonat für Apple Neuheiten. So soll bereits am 1. April (Ein Aprilscherz?) Mac OS X 10.4 “Tiger” vorgestellt werden und schon Mitte April in die Auslieferung gehen.

In recent weeks, Apple has significantly increased the frequency of Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger builds released to developers, another indication that development is rapidly wrapping up. Earlier this week, a gaffe on Apple’s Mac OS X downloads page also listed three new categories pertaining to Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger: links to “Automater Actions,” “Dashboard Widgets,” and “Spotlight Plugins” all lead to pages that were not yet available at apple.com. Apple has since removed those links from the categories listing.

Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger will sell for $129 and has been billed as the most substantial upgrade to Mac OS X since the operating system debuted.

Ausserdem ist die Rede von Speed Bumps. Der iMac G5 soll demnach bis 2 GHz und der eMac bis 1,5 GHz gepumpt werden.

(via: IT&W)

Update: Jetzt auch “Tiger im April” Gerüchte bei der eWeek.
