

just enough to get you started and leave you confused

Du bloggst zuviel wenn...

| Kommentare

  • you post the wrong article on the wrong blog.
  • your family prefers to interact with you through your blogs.
  • you met your girlfriend/boyfriend through a blog.
  • your blog community is much, much larger than the number of people you know in real life.
  • you consider yourself an alternative journalist.
  • you start your day by checking your blog stats.
  • a day without blogging seems like a month without food.
  • your feedreader is open all day.
  • you get more approve this comment email messages than spam.
  • you know what RSS stands for and you know how weak the medium is.
  • people worry about you when you do not post anything for a day.
  • work is the little time you spend in between writing on your blog and IRC.
  • my pagerank is bigger than yours!
  • invalid XHTML is a bad word to you.
  • you check your blogshares weekly, more than you check your savings account.
  • youve gotten your parents to blog.
  • your dog has her own page on Dogster and it gets updated!
  • Kubrick is no longer just the legendary filmmaker
  • you have to switch hosts to keep up with your bandwidth needs.
  • you make more money from blogging than you do at your day job.

(via: reizbombardement)
