

just enough to get you started and leave you confused

Thank you, Apple, for saving FreeBSD

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Look at it this way. Only after Apple started modifying FreeBSD 4.x and submitting their modifications, did FreeBSD progress to the 5.x branch. The advanced VM and SMP code that allows Mac OS X to run so efficiently is the very same code that finally put FreeBSD on the level with Linux. I run FreeBSD 5.2 on a four-way Xeon box at work and thank Apple every day. If it weren’t for the Mach micokernel from Apple we wouldn’t be able to do these nice things with FreeBSD now or probably ever.

Den ganzen Artikel gibts hier.

(via fscklog)

Update: Ein Kommentar von anonymous zu dem obigen Artikel:

And being the first to fully developing the GUI,
and for the desktop,
and for the Mac,
and for starting the desktop revolution (with Adobe and Aldus),
and for creating a secure system for over 20 years (OS 9 virus count: 26; OSX: 0),
and for being anal enough to sell only top quality machines,
and for creating the most user friendly UIs,
and for being the first to come out with 90% of all the best new ideas in the industry,
and for the Aqua interface,
and for teaching us how to use the mouse,
and for giving us the easiest OS installer,
and for Quicktime,
and for iToons,
and for iMovie,
and for iChat,
and for Safari,
and for Sherlock,
and for Exposé,
and for ResEdit,
and for the PowerMac (especially those G5s),
and for the iMac/iBook,
and for the Al Powerbooks (the Ti Books too),
and for the iPod (even those minis),
and for that nice sound when the computer starts,
and the happy Mac,
and for making so many things cool,
and much much more.
