Meine vom 19. November bis zum 8. Dezember:
- Anki - is a program which makes remembering things easy. Because it is a lot more efficient than traditional study methods, you can either greatly decrease your time spent studying, or greatly increase the amount you learn.
- Ledger - is a powerful, double-entry accounting system that is accessed from the UNIX command-line. This may put off some users, as there is no flashy UI, but for those who want unparalleled reporting access to their data, there really is no alternative.
- Glances - is a CLI curses based monitoring tool for both GNU/Linux and BSD.
- Gow - (Gnu On Windows) is the lightweight alternative to Cygwin. It uses a convenient "Windows installer" that installs about 130 extremely useful open source UNIX applications compiled as native win32 binaries.
- Breevy - is a TextExpander clone for Windows. Snippets are syncable between Mac and Windows via Dropbox.
- Vifm - is a ncurses based file manager with vi like keybindings. If you use vi, vifm gives you complete keyboard control over your files without having to learn a new set of commands.
- blockdiag - and its family generate diagram images from simply text file
- Archipel - is a solution to manage and supervise virtual machines. You can use all libvirt-supported virtualization engines like KVM, Xen, OpenVZ or VMWare. You can perform all basic virtualization commands and many other things like live migration, VMCasts, packages, etc.
- stressdrive - is a Mac OS X command-line tool meant to verify correct operation of a drive. It does so by filling a drive up with random data and ensuring all the data can be correctly read back.
- ThinkUp - is a free, open source web application that captures all your activity on social networks like Twitter, Facebook and Google+.