Meine vom 7. Oktober bis zum 15. Oktober:
- Openfiler — Openfiler - Open Source Storage Management Appliance - is a network storage operating system, fronted by a web based management user interface. With the features we built into Openfiler, you can take advantage of file-based Network Attached Storage and block-based Storage Area Networking functionality in a single cohesive framework.
- RAOP Client - is an Airport Express client written in ruby. It allows you to stream music to an Airport Express from Ruby.
- Detexify - LaTeX handwritten symbol recognition
- HDRtist - Free and easy to use HDR-Software for Mac OS X
- lsyncd - uses rsync to synchronize local directories with a remote machine running rsyncd. Lsyncd watches multiple directories trees through inotify. The first step after adding the watches is to rsync all directories with the remote host, and then sync single file by collecting the inotify events. So lsyncd is a light-weight live mirror solution that should be easy to install and use while blending well with your system.
- sink - is a tool that allows you to compare multiple directories, take snapshots of their state, and compare the states. It also provides commands to create logical links between files to do micro changes management.
- Oktoberfest Etiquette - Surviving the Oktoberfest from an US-perspective… Might come in handy…
- Frizzix - ist ein kostenloser FritzBox Anrufmonitor und Anrufmanager für Mac OS X. Frizzix zeigt ein- und ausgehende Anrufe, die über eine Fritz!Box geführt werden, sowie die integrierte Anrufliste der FritzBox bequem auf dem Mac an.
- Google Book Downloader - is small utility which allows you to save books as PDF from google to your local filesystem.