Meine vom 16. August bis zum 18. August:
- How to Participate in the Linux Community - Guide to Linux Kernel Development.
- 25 Awesome tutorials for web designers -
- BFG – Buchhaltung für Geeks – Download – BFG – Buchhaltung für Geeks - ist eine Buchhaltungs-Software für Leute, die sich eher in der Programmierung zu Hause fühlen als in der doppelten Buchführung.
- btail - monitors a logfile for specific events. To do this it uses a bayesian filter to determine what events are worth passing through and which should be suppressed.
- LaTeX Equation Editor - Live equation creation with png download. Great.
- Undercover - Find your stolen Apple Notebook. Shareware for 49$.
- Stamp Sphere - Easy watermarking app…
- 20 köstliche Hintergründe für den Desktop -
- ProjectPlus - TextMate Plug-in for project integration and support for svn and git.
- GaragePay - lets you download, view, search and archive all your PayPal transactions without having to log into the PayPal website. Shareware, 24,99$
- Shoes - Colorful programs for Mac OS X, Linux and Windows
- WordPress MultiSiteManager - is a WordPress plugin which will perform two of the most important tasks of an administrator: backups and upgrades. MSM can manage any number of WordPress installations from one master WP installation.