

just enough to get you started and leave you confused

QuickLinks vom 6. Februar bis zum 15. Februar

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Meine del.icio.us-Links vom 6. Februar bis zum 15. Februar:

  • Memtest86+ on Intel Mac - With slight modification of a patch for the Grub bootloader, it will run on Intel Macs. Ready to test with the prebuild ISO-Image.
  • A black OS X Leopard Terminal theme that is actually readable -
  • Desktop 2 Login - Matches the Leopard Login Screen background image to whatever the current user’s Desktop picture is.
  • NightShift - automatically downloads and updates WebKit, the Safari HTML rendering engine, to the latest nightly version. No user intervention is required, everything is fully automated.
  • m0n0wall-CMI - is a centralized management interface to manage m0n0wall devices remotely.
  • flickrRSS for WordPress - This plugin for WordPress allows you to display Flickr photos on your weblog. The plugin supports user, public and group photostreams.
  • mastering regular expressions in php -
  • iSpazz - is a plugin for iTunes on OS X, controlling the MacBook Pro/PowerBook backlight keyboard and optionally the display backlight.
  • Automatically backup your Mac to Amazon S3
  • Phatch - is a simple to use cross-platform graphical Photo Batch Processor and Exif Renamer with a nice graphical user interface.
  • Instapaper - Temporary Storage for Websites you want to read later but find now.
  • DriveGauge - is a simple yet powerful, fully customizable utility designed to provide visual feedback about how full your drives are directly on each drive’s icon.
  • UltraStar.de - ist ein kostenloses und quelloffenes Karaokeprogramm im Stil von SingStar. Leider nicht für Macs…
